
Back to School, Back to Breakfast! 8/24/2024

Head back to school with energy!

School is back in session, and this is the interesting time of year where classes and markets intersect. If you’re still looking for a gift for a new teacher, come and see that we’re bringing all the best stuff to the Clear Lake Farmers Market this Saturday! We look forward to seeing you on August 24th, 2024 from 9:00 AM to NOON in the parking lot of the Surf Ballroom & Museum. When you come, you’ll be able to get your favorite sourdough, scones, cinnamon rolls, or pie once again! YAYYYY!!!

Here’s what we’re bringing*:





Additional Food Items

*List subject to change

This list only states what we know we’re bringing for sure (we say “for sure” with the assumption that nothing crazy will happen, like burning all the bread, busting bins of jam, or our mixer breaking again 🤪). While writing this, we’re still figuring out what other pie flavors we’re bringing, and I’m only 90% sure that our flavor options of jam is complete/correct. If you have any specific requests, call us! Our number is on our ‘Contact’ page.

Head back to school with some brain food!

Returning back to a school routine often brings a lot of mixed emotions to the surface. However, this abrupt change of pace back into a school schedule usually helps us refocus with clarity about what we choose to prioritize in our lives. Sometimes school feels like it’s less about learning new things, and more about being reminded over-and-over of things we already know. One of those things we already know, but could use a reminder about is that it’s important to fuel our brains with nutritionally dense foods.

We’ve got your breakfast supplies

Another reminder of something you already know is that breakfast is important! It’s easy to skip over your morning meal, but it really does affect your day if you show up somewhere already hangry. At the farmers market, there are all the freshest ingredients to make any tasty meal you could want. In the mood for something sweet? We’ve got caramel pecan rolls that can actually make you feel full from just one roll. Fancy a breakfast burrito? The market has eggs, lettuce, tomato – all the things! Hate “normal” breakfast foods? Pick up a focaccia flatbread, some cheese, and ground meat – BOOM! Pizza for breakfast. And! If you just don’t wanna make anything yourself- there are food trucks at the market. 😊

No-brainer routine

If the first day back to school leaves your brain feeling tired, it’s, conveniently, a no-brainer decision to stop by the Surf. Everything going on around the market is more-or-less the same as it has been all season. There’s amazing vendors; some road work; and incredible, nutritious and delicious, food available to you when you come. If you haven’t been to the Clear Lake Farmers Market yet this year, we invite you to check it out! We’re sure you’ll be blown away by all the activity.

Keeping it simple

Normally, these weekly update posts are a little longer than this, but things have personally been pretty hectic for us (our kids are also going back to school, and one of our boys moved into college!). However, I think this post still covers everything you need to know! So with that:

Join us at the Clear Lake Farmers Market!

As everyone starts returning to school, it’s a good reminder that our brains need good, wholesome foods to fuel them. So many crazy things have happened this summer (including the grand opening of a store we’ve partnered with), and school starting up means routines are leveling out again. We hope you’ll keep your regular routine by visiting us at the Clear Lake Farmers Market this weekend. We’ll be in the Surf Ballroom parking lot from 9 AM until noon. The Clear Lake Farmers Market is the largest producer-only market (which means no resellers) in North Iowa and it’s definitely worth a stop.  Set up a reminder in a place you’ll see it, and we’ll see you there!

Bonus: here’s a link for an interactive map so you can find all your favorite vendors at the market this year: http://www.clearlakefarmersmarket.com/for-customers/ We can’t wait to see you Saturday!