
Clear Lake Farmers Market This Week 6/22/2024

Come end your week at the Clear Lake Farmers Market!

As you camp around the North Iowa area, join us this week at the Clear Lake Farmers Market on June 22nd, 2024 from 9:00 AM to NOON in the parking lot of the Surf Ballroom & Museum. If you forgot to get something for your dad last week, we still have vendors offering basically everything he could want. When you visit, you’ll be able to find fresh sourdough (that’s us!), meat, seasoning, cheese, crisp lettuce, crunchy pickles -everything you’d need to make the best burgers as you’re grilling this weekend. There’ll also be intricate woodwork, cold-brew coffee, golf supplies, and more available from 50+ vendors, along with live music and kids activities!

Here’s what we’re bringing*:





Additional Food Items

*List subject to change

This list only states what we know we’re bringing for sure (we say “for sure” with the assumption that nothing crazy will happen, like an unexpected arrival of baby animals, spontaneous combustion, or a universal blip 🤪). While writing this, we’re still deciding which flavor pies to bring, but other than that, we’re pretty sure this is everything we’re bringing. If you have any specific requests, call us! Our number is on our ‘Contact’ page.

Maybe bring your umbrella

As you may know, this weekend’s farmers market has a chance of getting rained on. As one of the fantabulous people who visits us at the Clear Lake Farmers Market this week, we want to remind you that rain or shine, we’ll be there this week! All the bread dough is mixed and rising, and there’s no going back now. So, we’re coming on Saturday prepared for anything and with all our usual delicious artisan breads and our remaining specialty jams. As long as you keep coming, we’ll keep bringing all the good stuff! So, you are coming, right?!😄

We’re on the south side of the market now

A few more people found us at the market last week for the first time since we moved! It’s fun to catch up with everyone this summer. This is your regularly scheduled reminder that we’re in a new spot. Traditionally, our booth has been next to the sidewalk and near the music (the north-east side) -we aren’t in that spot anymore! Instead, you’ll find us on the other end of the market, at the far side, away from the music (the south side). If you need a map to visualize and see this change, there’s one linked at the end of this post. Note: Only our booth within the market is moving- the Clear Lake Farmers Market, this week and all season, is still in the Surf Ballroom parking lot.

There is some road construction

We’ve had a great few weeks inside the Clear Lake Farmers Market! Thank you for being patient and flexible with the road construction around the Surf Ballroom. The farmers market is continuing to keep an eye on where construction is each week and making adjustments as necessary. This week, the whole market will be shifted 18 feet west (further away from the sidewalk). The layout will be the same as past weeks, and nothing will change about your shopping experience -it’s just going to be further away from the street. Road work is no fun to drive around, but on the bright side, the market isn’t cancelled!

Enjoy your Saturday morning at the farmers market

We get it- it’s easy to fill your summer schedule and forget that farmers markets are in season. But, don’t let that stop you from coming -it’s the perfect opportunity to buy that one pie you eyeball all the time, but never actually get. Or those decadent cinnamon rolls. Or that beautiful loaf of sourdough. Honestly, it’s remarkable the number of times we hear folks say “I might circle back around to get that,” and when they do come back to our booth, that item they wanted is gone. Friendly reminder: it’s ok to treat yourself to that delicious food you’ve been craving. 😄

Join us at the Clear Lake Farmers Market this week!

We’re so excited to be in the swing of the market season, and we hope you’ll join us for the Clear Lake Farmers Market this week. We’ll be in the Surf Ballroom parking lot from 9 AM until noon. The Clear Lake Farmers Market is the largest producer-only market in North Iowa and it’s definitely worth a stop.  Feel free to put it in your calendar, and we’ll see you there!

As promised, here’s the link for the interactive map so you can find all your favorite vendors at the market this year: http://www.clearlakefarmersmarket.com/for-customers/ We know you’ll find your way around, and we can’t wait to see you Saturday!