
Memorial Day Weekend Farmers Market 5/25/2024

Enjoy the Clear Lake Farmers Market this Memorial Day Weekend!

As you meander through the North Iowa area, join us this Memorial Day weekend at the Clear Lake Farmers Market on May 25th, 2024 from 9:00 AM to NOON in the parking lot of the Surf Ballroom & Museum. If you’re still looking for flowers to remember your loved ones, we’ll have vendors offering the freshest flowers available for you. When you visit, you’ll also be able to find a variety of local produce, baked goods (that’s us!), meat, handcrafted items, coffee, lemonade, and more will be available from 50+ vendors, along with live music and kids activities!

Here’s what we’re bringing*:





Additional Food Items

*List subject to change

This list only states what we know we’re bringing for sure (we say “for sure” with the assumption that nothing crazy will happen, like flooded roads, volcanic eruption, or getting carried away by car-swallowing mosquitos 🤪). While writing this, we’re pretty sure this is everything we’re bringing. If you have any specific requests, call us! Our number is on our ‘Contact’ page.

May the odds be ever in your favor

In past years, the Memorial Day weekend farmers market has been especially busy. As one of the fantastic people who visits us in Clear Lake, we want to remind you that if you’re looking for something specific, it’s best to come during the first hour (between 9-10AM). The first farmers market this year was remarkably well attended, and we even sold out of our Cowboy Candy! We’re reminding you of this because we can’t guarantee that we’ll have everything on your shopping list, but your odds will be better the earlier you come. Which leads me to say:

Memorial Day weekend = busy farmers market

We know not everyone likes navigating through a crowded farmers market, especially on a holiday weekend after the kids get out of school. So, if you prefer a more laid back atmosphere, we suggest coming in the second half of the market (10:30 AM-noon). Walking in closer to 10:30 will mean a few more people (but not the big rush), and vendors will still have a good variety of items to choose from. If lots of other people wandering through the market is more than you want to deal with, you’ll want to come between 11- 11:45 AM.

Don’t come too late

After 11 AM, foot traffic at the farmers market has its largest decline because everyone who wanted something specific has left. Coming later also means you may get to enjoy the serendipity of finding that perfect item that’s been waiting for you to claim it. However, don’t come too late! If you come in during the last few minutes of market, you’ll likely run out of time to see everything. One solution to this is to let us know you’d like to reserve an item. If you know you want something, but won’t be at the market until closer to noon, call us! Our number is on our ‘Contact’ page. Note: the phone number is a landline and cannot receive text messages.

Remember, we’ve moved!

We’re super glad that so many people found us at the market last week! It was fun to catch up with everyone after the winter. This is my reminder to those who missed us, that we’re in a new spot. Traditionally, our booth has been next to the sidewalk and near the music (the north-east side) -we won’t be in that spot anymore! Instead, you’ll find us on the other end of the market, at the far side, away from the music (the south side). If you need a map to visualize and see this change, there’s one linked at the end of this post. Note: Only our booth within the market is moving- the Clear Lake Farmers Market is still in the Surf Ballroom parking lot.

Memorial Day weekend means the farmers market is gearing up

Memorial Day weekend signals to most folks that farmers markets are back in season. It’s the exciting time of the year were we can say “Yes, the markets are happening! See ya Saturday!” We’ve missed visiting with you, and we’re eagerly awaiting seeing all our camping friends at the far side of the market, close to the Surf Ballroom building. We’re in this new spot within the layout of the market, but we’re still providing the delicious-food-providing farmers market you know and love. And, as long as you keep coming, we’ll keep bringing all the good stuff! So, we will see you, right?!😄

Join us for another farmers market Memorial Day Weekend!

We’re so excited that this new market season is here, and we hope you’ll join us this Memorial Day weekend for the farmers market. We’ll be in the Surf Ballroom parking lot from 9 AM until noon. The Clear Lake Farmers Market is the largest producer-only market in North Iowa and it’s definitely worth a stop.  Feel free to put it in your calendar, and we’ll see you there!

As promised, here’s the link for the interactive map so you can find all your favorite vendors at the market this year: http://www.clearlakefarmersmarket.com/for-customers/ We know you’ll find your way around, and we can’t wait to see you Saturday!